Foto: Pontus Höök
Adrianna Pavlica (b. 1988) is a Swedish freelance journalist based in New York and Göteborg. She is the US Correspondent of Göteborgs-Posten. She is creative and driven and has a master's degree in journalism and 15 years of experience. Adrianna Pavlica has worked as a reporter, editor and head of news at leading Swedish newspapers such as GT/Expressen, Gothenburg Post, and Swedish Public Service TV, SVT. As a freelancer, Adrianna Pavlica's work is seen in a number of Swedish newspapers and magazines as well as tv and radio. She has a broad experience of working with both breaking news and in-depth reporting from Sweden and abroad, from countries such as Turkey, Malaysia and Indonesia. Aside from her degree in journalism, Adrianna Pavlica has also studied history, criminology, psychology and creative writing.
Contact: adrianna@pavlica.se

"Adrianna Pavlica är 27-åringen som redan hunnit med att vara nyhetschef, redaktör och jagat gangsterledare som flytt rättvisan till Turkiet."
Interview with me in the magazine Journalisten 2015. Short version here.